Posts tagged “BBC

“Tonight I will be making graphics”: artist SK8THING

Street wear is getting more and more popular. Not only among skaters, or young people in general, but also in the higher class of the fashion world. Think Bape, BBC (Billionaire Boys Club) and Ice Cream, Alife or Supreme. Think how, since the early 2000s Japan, New York, London and Paris have been filled with kids that walk around with clothing full of colorful designs and graphics, jeans, and baseball hats.

One of the main pioneers of this movement is Japanese artist Sk8thing. Very reserved but extremely talented, Sk8thing has been “polluting” our visuals for the past 20 years or so, collaborating with mainstream skating and street wear brands. Head designer for both BBC and Bape, he allowed Harsh Patel to  to ask him a couple of questions in an interview.

Go to the next page to read the interview:
